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News !


** April 04, 2005–  


New Photo Shoot with Eric Gusman , New Artists and New clothing!!!

Yesterday , Kendra did a brand new photo shoot with hot new photographer , Eric Gusman .Expect to see the pictures  as soon as this week.

It’s the best photo shoot that’s ever been done!!


There’s also some talk of a new video release , exclusive here at KJO , for KJO members only, along with an upcoming return stint at !!!


As you can probably tell , most of  this site has been being worked on non-stop over the past couple of days.Most of the links should now work  , and we expect the rest of them to be done soon!...! It’s coming out better than we thought even possible !!


Be sure to check out the schedule page , as Kendra is about to leave on another long tour and is gonna be hitting some pretty random cities.You never know when she might be in your neighborhood , and trust me DON’T wanna miss it!!!!


Please check out ASAP , and set up a shoot of your own ! He is a brilliant photographer!


Also , Check out for the hottest , on-the-rise ,  upcoming artist !! You can download his songs , and then go post on his board how much you love him!


Also , please check out  , and you can purchase the tank top Kendra is wearing on the front page of the site!!Kendra loves this clothing line!!